Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It snowed in Dallas!!! We couldnt believe it! It hasnt snowed like that is over 30 years! We got about 12 1/2 inches at our house. It was so pretty. I felt like we were in Colorado for a couple of days! The kids loved it. They hadnt seen snow like that. Carter didnt know what to think. We handed him a snowball and he tried to put it in his mouth and started to cry. I guess he didnt like the cold! Here are some pics of us playing in the snow. It was so much fun!

Kennedy was making a snow angel

Cody, Kennedy and Jackson - love the faces!

Kennedy, Me and Jackson - Jackson was
trying to catch a snowflake in his mouth

Me, Carter, Kennedy, Jackson, Cody

Jackson, Kennedy and Carter with their

Jackson and Kennedy with their snowman
Looks kinda like a snowdog

Kennedy while it was snowing

Jackson with his "ice scuplture"

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