Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jackson's 5th Birthday!

So Monday was my little mans 5th birthday. I cant believe he is actually 5 years old. Time flys. We had mine and cody's parents and cody's grandparents over Monday night and Jackson got to open his presents. He was so excited! He got 2 of the same thing so we had to take one back. At first he didnt want to take it back. He wanted to keep it, but then I talked him into getting the game Guess Who. I used to love that game and Jackson loves guessing games so I knew he would like it. Me and him went to Target today and he got some more power rangers and Guess Who. We have already played it like 20 times. He loves it. The pics didnt turn out very good. My batteries were running out and so the flash wouldnt work. I've got to get some new batteries!

Friday, April 24, 2009

16 weeks away!

So Mr. Carter is only 16 weeks away from getting here.... This pregnancy seems to be going by fast. At my next appt I have to do the glucose test. I hate that test! So the week before the test I try and cut a lot of my sugar out.... I'm not sure what happens if I were to get gestional diabetes. I think that if I were to get it and I could keep it under control, I would still be able to deliver at the birthing center. I am getting even more excited about delivering there the closer it gets. Its going to be so different. I dont really have to worry about bringing much stuff. I will only need something for me to wear while delivering, and afterwards and something for Carter to wear home. We get to leave like 4 to 6 hours after he is born. I will be ready to go home. I dont want to have to worry about Jackson and Kennedy and where they will be. I am so ready!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So Kennedy looks like she has been in a fight. Poor thing! She has a scratch between her eyes, from me.... She got in my bed the other night and always layes at the end. Well, my foot was out of the covers and she put her head right where it was and I kicked her between the eyes, and scratched her. Then, the next day she scratches herself above her eye while she was taking a nap. Then last night she was bouncing around and busts her lip on the island in the kitchen. I felt so sorry for her. She just looks beat up. Here are some pics... Jack, our dog, wanted to be in a pic. He sits so good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Party Time!

We are getting ready for the kids birthday party. Its gonna be a Luau. They are having a joint party this year. Kennedy wanted to have a swimming party so we decided to have both of their parties at the same time. We are doing it in May. Its gonna be so much fun! I'm gonna do a volcano cake. Heres a picture. Cant wait!

No Sleep.....

I got absolutly no sleep last night. We cleaned out the room at the back of the house and stirred up dust and crap. It aggrevated my allergies something awful and I couldnt breathe last night at all. I was up every 30 minutes.

So some good news.... The part for my car is finally in! Woohoo!!! We ordered it from Canada and it 2 weeks to come in. We should have our car back by friday. I cant wait! I am so ready to have my car back.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jackson's Issues.......

So yesterday was a doosey for me. It didnt start until about 12:30 or so... Me and the kids decided to go see an old co-worker of mine. So we stopped by my old office. I had already warned the kids to be on their best behavior. I didnt want them running up and down the halls and stuff. Well, they did pretty good. Jackson had to go to the bathroom, so I showed him where it was. As some of you already know, he has problems going #2. He just holds it in and doesnt want to go. So, he comes out of the bathroom and we are getting ready to go, but I smell him. So I told him that we were going to go back into the bathroom and I was going to make sure he wiped good. Good thing I went back to the bathroom...... He had tried to wipe himself and smeered poop all over the toilet and door of the stall... It seemed like it was everywhere! So gross..... So I cleaned that up first, then checked him. It was all over him, his underwear and everything. So, I got him cleaned up, made him take off his undies and go without. So we stop by my moms shop before we go home and I smell it again... I make him go inside to the bathroom and he had messed his pants, which he already didnt have undies on... SO... I have to go next door and by some underwear and shorts. We sat in the bathroom at my moms work for about an hour! He still is holding it in... So, we leave and go get a drink from Sonic. While we are waiting for our stuff, he says he needs to go. Then tells me that he already pooped in his pants, again... Great! So we hurry to Granny's house. We stay there for about an hour and he still doesnt poop. SO I make him put a pull up on because I am tired of cleaning out dirty underwear. He wears a pull up to church last night, good thing he did cuz he pooped again in his pants. Finally at church right before we left, he poops. I was so glad. I am tired of cleaning undies! I do feel sorry for him. He holds it in and doesnt go but maybe once a week.... We are trying new things to help him go and hopefully it will work....
So, not that you wanted to know all that... But I had to get it out! It was a day yesterday!

Its been awhile.....

Sorry it has been awhile. Just been busy with every day stuff. Easter was really good, but kinda rainy and cold. We went to my sister-in-laws on Saturday night, then to my parents house on Sunday after church. We spent the afternoon over there. We didnt do an egg hunt on Sunday, because the kids had done so many with school and everything. I dont have any pics because my camera was messed up. I took some with my moms, but I dont have her USB cord. Jackson spent a couple night with my parents this past week. He enjoys getting away for a little bit. Kennedy felt left out so she spent Tuesday night with my mom and Jackson came home. They like getting to get away from mom and dad for a little bit....

Saturday, April 11, 2009


So Jackson and Kennedy have made new friends. They are 4 kids that live behind our neighbors house. They are a little bit older than Jackson. The youngest is already 5 and the oldest is around 9. 2 girls and 2 boys. So, a couple of days ago they were outside playing and asked if Jackson and Kennedy could play. So I said yes and let the kids come over. Big mistake. They came inside which was ok, but they made a mess of course. And they wanted to eat and drink everything in sight. They have come over a couple times since, but they all have to play outside now. Well today was very interesting. Cody was outside mowing and they asked if the kids could play, so he comes to ask. I was hesitant because we were going to my sister in laws soon and still had to get ready. But I went ahead and let them, but told them that no one was coming in AT ALL. So the neighbor kids wanted to come in, but Jackson told them no. So they kept asking for them to bring toys out. Finally I said no more toys, play on the trampoline. Well at one point, I caught Kennedy and the girls in the kitchen fixing themselves something to drink, so I made them go back out with nothing to drink. I mean for crying out loud, its not that hot outside and they live 2 doors down. Well here's where it gets good. I walk through the kitchen and seeing Jackson running around with something in his hands. I look a little harder and my heart almost stops! I made him come to me, and he had a gun in his hands. It looked like a 45. Once I took it from his, I could tell it wasnt a hand gun because of how light it was. I took it to Cody and he tells me its a BB gun. Still a big deal to me because I dont know if it has BB's in it, and Jackson doesnt really know how to use it. He has shot BB guns before, but of course we dont let him run around playing with them. So the kids could tell I wasnt happy. I told them that they better NEVER bring anything like that to my house again and to take it home. They told me their dad knew they had it, but I find that hard to believe. So, needless to say, they went home for the day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Egg Hunt

Today was Jackson's Easter Egg hunt at school. I really didnt want to get up this morning and take him. All the other schools in our area were out today for Good Friday except his. But it was his egg hunt and we had already taken eggs. So we went. It was so cold when they were "hunting". And, then great mom that I am, didnt watch the weather and I dressed Kennedy in shorts, a tee-shirt, flip flops and no jacket. So of course she was freezing! She wore Jackson's jacket and we were only out there for about 10 minutes so it wasnt so bad. But we were cold. I dont know how well my pictures turned out. I left me camera at home so my dad brought me my moms camera. I will try to load them tonight. Kennedy's hunt was yesterday at school and she had a blast. I was at the drs so I didnt get to watch her. They said that right when they were about to hunt, it started to rain. So they pushed the kids out, let them hunt real quick, like 5 minutes, then they were done. Gotta love the April weather!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Belly Pic

Well I have been asked to post a belly pic. I feel huge, but I have only gained 9 lbs. I guess that everything was already stretched out so it all kinda just fell into place. The dr said that everything looks good and that I'm not gaining too much so I guess thats good.

We are having......

a baby brother! We went to the dr today and it is definitly a little boy. The kids act excited. I dont think they really cared either way. Jackson went with us today and he said "mom, it looks like a dinosaur." I said, Yeah but its a baby. And he goes "but it kinda looks like a lizard!" It was so funny. So we will be having a little Carter Joe Wylie. Due date is still Aug 14th. Now I have to get everything out of storage and get stuff where it goes. It will be time before you know it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So I took Jackson to the dr today because I was worried about his anger issues. I felt like he gets too mad about things and he has the worst temper tantrums. I talked to the dr about it just because I felt like she could give me some answers. Well, all she said is that it sounds like he is a stubborn, hard headed little boy that has learned how to push our buttons. I am not all that satisfied with her answer. I am going to check into some other things. I dont think that its something too serious but I want to check into everything I can. He just gets too upset about things that dont go his way or when his routine changes. More upset than a 4 1/2 yr old should get.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Well, we still dont have a car. Hopefully it will be done this week. It might not cost us as much as we thought, which is a good thing. We have been driving my moms car and on Saturday we started hearing the breaks. So we had to take it today and the break pads were gone and they had to fix it. Thankfully it is fixed now and we arent carless again.
So we go to the dr on Thursday. I cant wait. I am so ready to get all my stuff out and get it set up. I need to know what room to set the crib up in. We are cleaning out our "sun room" and making it into a play room. We are going to get it started within the next month. We are taking all the kids toys out of their rooms and puting them in there. We are building shelves along the walls to store everything. These kids have so much crap. We have a lot that we want to do to that room so hopefully we will get it done before the baby comes. School will be out soon so we will have the whole summer to work on it. Yeah!
Heading out to the grocery store to get some food.... We have nothing!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny words...

Kids have the funniest names for things. Just wanted to share some funny words that my kids say......
They call hand sanitizer - hanitizer
cup holder is a hup colder
snow cone is called a slow poke at our house for some reason
and Kennedy says that she has "skinny legs" but she is meaning she has hairy legs.
Kids are so funny

Thursday, April 2, 2009


about my car... I have been without it for a month now. We are now trying to find a part cheaper than what we can get it at the dealership. Its crazy. When the mechanic called the dealership to get the part today, they were like "its gonna run you about $4000". WHAT??? And thats just for a part? I dont think so. I hate it when something breaks down that you really need. Its not like we can just say "no thanks. We dont need to fix it".

Today at work was very interesting.... For those of you that dont know, I work at a preschool. Today, right before nap time, 2 little boys decided that it would be fun to "Pee" on another little boy. Got his pants all wet and gross. So I sat with these little boys because they were in trouble and there teacher made them sit out in the hall. But you know that 4 yr olds cant be trusted to sit in the hall by themselves. So I sat with them and had to make them be quite for an hour. Very interesting. I can honestly say that I've never had to deal with that before.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So we are dealing with a little smart mouth right now. Kennedy is only 3 and acts like she is 16 already. Its crazy! She got in trouble the other day by her daddy. He told her that he was tired of her smart mouth and that she needed to watch how she talked to us. She said "yes sir" like a good little girl, then 2 seconds later as she is eating her dinner she says "but i can say what i want to". That made her dad so mad. Every day she is getting in trouble for something she says. Yesterday she told her pepaw that she didnt want to listen to him and didnt have to mind him. Not sure what we are going to do with her! I have no idea how we are going to deal with her when she is a teenager!

First Time

Ok, so I've never blogged before but I guess there is always a first time. Everyone seems to be doing it so I thought what the heck, why not. So for anyone reading this that doesnt know us, here is a little bit about us. Me and Cody will be celebrating our 7th anniversary in May. We have two kiddos, Jackson who will be 5 in April, and Kennedy who turned 3 in December. We are going to baby number 3 in August. We dont know what we are having yet. We will find out on April 9th. I am so ready to find out. I want to get all my stuff out but dont know which stuff to get. I am trying something different this time. I am using a midwife and going to deliver at a birthing center with this one. I delivered Jackson and Kennedy without using any drugs so I thought i might as well be comfy this go 'round. And a big plus is that I will be able to go home within 2 to 6 hours after i give birth. I cant wait!
As you can see, we have a theme going. For some reason we are going with Presidents names. We have decided that if we have a boy, his name will be Carter. If its a girl, her name will be McKinley.