Saturday, August 1, 2009

Carters bedding

My mother in law brought me Carters quilt and bumper pads some other stuff she had made for him. I am so excited.... I cant wait for him to actually get here! I went to the dr on Thursday. Everything looks good. I am dialated to a 1 and about 50% efaced. So, hopefully he will be here soon. I cant wait to see what he looks like. I have been have contractions, just not strong ones. Hopefully they will get stronger and he will be here this week! That would be great!
Here are some pics of his bedding....

This is a blanket that Diana made for Mr. Carter

This is an up close pic of the quilt

Carters Quilt

Bumper pads:
all are the polka dots on 1 side
3 are green and 3 are blue on the other side

This is a wall hanging made for Carter

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